Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.15
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.14
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.13
- The Evolution of Sartre’s Concept of Authenticity:
From a Non-Egological Theory of Consciousness to the Unrealized Practical Ethics of the Gift-giving (No-)Self - Making Sense of the Knobe-effect:
Praise demands both Intention and Voluntariness - Discussion Paper:
Living in the Age of the Automatic Sweetheart:
A Brief Survey on the Ethics of Sexual Robotics
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.12
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.11
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.10
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.9
- How Applied Should Applied Ethics Be?
- Forms of Organizing Human Society Inspired by Technological Structures
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.8
- Debts and Duties of Patients Who Benefit from Medical Research with Reference to Arthroplasty―
- A Libertarian Reading of Boylan’s Natural Human Rights: A Theory
- Boylan’s Agency Justification for Natural Human Rights and Group Rights
- Human Rights: Natural or Cultural?
- Freedom of Speech in an Age of Computer Hacktivism
- Salvaging a Naturalistic Account of Human Rights?: A Critical Commentary on Michael Boylan’s Natural Human Rights
- Natural Human Rights: A Reply to my Colleagues
Author Meets Critics:
Michael Boylan’s Natural Human Rights: A Theory
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.7
- Codes of Ethics : Towards a Principlist Justification
- Netcitizenship : Addressing Cyberevenge and Sexbullying
- A Realist Self?
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.6
- Professional Ethics without Moral Theory
A Practical Guide for the Perplexed Non-Philosopher - Challenges for Professional Loyalties
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.5
- The Right to an Unsafe Car?
Consumer Choice and Three Types of Autonomy - Can there be a Just Cyber War?
- Liberty and Pornography: An Examination of the Use of John Stuart Mill
in Pro-Censorship Feminist Arguments
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.4
- Three Nuclear Disasters and a Hurricane:
Some Reflections on Engineering Ethics - A Pluralist Ethical Decision-making Procedure
- Business Ethics and Military Ethics:
A Study in Comparative Applied Ethics - Boylan on Immigration
- A Compromise Solution to the Immigration Problem:
A Response to Michael Boylan - International Immigration:
A Reply to Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez and Julie Kirsch
Author Meets the Critics: Michael Boylan's Morality and Global Justice
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.3
- Who Should Decide the Content of Professional Ethics?
- Neuroimaging in the Courts of Law
- A Measurement-Theoretic Foundation of Threshold Utility Maximiser’s Preference Logic
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.2
- Environmental Injustice, Climate Change, and Nuclear Power:
Flawed Standards for Ionizing Radiation - Engineers and Sustainability: An Inquiry into the Elusive Distinction between
Macro-, Micro-, and Meso-Ethics - Sustainability in the Education of Professionals
- A Logical Typology of Normative Systems
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy vol.1
- What is ‘Applied’ in Applied Ethics?
- Fourteen Kinds of Social Contract
- Political Patriotism
- Principles of Paternalism
- What Do You Mean I Should Take Responsibility for My Own Ill Health?